Shortcoder — Create Shortcodes for Anything


Shortcoder plugin allows to create a custom shortcodes for HTML, JavaScript, CSS and other code snippets. Now the shortcodes can be used in posts/pages and the snippet will be replaced in place.

✍ Maak gemakkelijk shortcodes

  1. Geef een naam aan de shortcode
  2. Plak de HTML/JavaScript/CSS als shortcode inhoud
  3. Opslaan!
  4. Voeg nu de shortcode [sc name="my_shortcode"] in je bericht/pagina in.
  5. Voila ! Je hebt de HTML/Javascript/CSS in je bericht staan.

✨ Functies

  • Maak gemakkelijk klare shortcodes en gebruik ze op elke plaats waar shortcodes worden ondersteund.
  • Heb een HTML, Javascript, CSS als shortcode inhoud.
  • Insert: Custom parameters in shortcode
  • Insert: WordPress parameters in shortcode
  • Multiple editors: Code, Visual and text modes.
  • De shortcode globaal uitschakelen wanneer deze niet nodig is.
  • Schakel shortcode uit op desktop, mobiele apparaten.
  • Een knop in de bericht editor om de shortcodes in te voegen.
  • Execute blocks HTML in shortcode content.
  • Insert shortcodes in Gutenberg/block editor.

🎲 Een voorbeeld gebruik

  1. Maak een shortcode met de naam ‘adsenseAd’ op de Shortcoder beheerpagina.
  2. Plak de AdSense code in het aangegeven vak en sla deze op.
  3. Gebruik [sc name="adsenseAd"] in je berichten en pagina’s.
  4. Tada !!! the ad code is replaced and it appears in the post.
  5. Now you can edit the ad code at one place and the code is updated in all the locations where the shortcode is used.

Op dezelfde manier kunnen shortcodes worden gemaakt voor veelgebruikte fragmenten.

You can also add custom parameters (like %%id%%) inside the snippets, and change it’s value like [sc name="youtube" id="GrlRADfvjII"] when using them.

🧱 Gebruik in de blok-editor

Hoewel shortcodes op elke plaats handmatig kunnen worden gebruikt, biedt Shortcoder onderstaande opties om de gemaakte shortcodes eenvoudig te selecteren en in te voegen wanneer je met de blokeditor werkt.

  • Shortcoder blok
  • Werkbalkknop om shortcodes te selecteren en inline in te voegen (onder “meer”)

💎 Upgrade naar PRO

Shortcoder also provides a PRO version which has additional features to further enhance the experience. Below features are offered in the PRO version.

  • Aangepaste editor – Bewerk shortcode inhoud met behulp van blok-editor of plugins voor het maken van pagina’s, zoals Elementor en WPBakery.
  • Revisions – Revisions support for Shortcode content.
  • Locate shortcode – Search posts and pages where a shortcode is used.
  • Extra code – Include extra code to the footer when a shortcode is used in a page.

Aan de slag met Shortcoder – PRO



  • Shortcoder beheerder pagina.
  • Bewerken van een shortcode.
  • “Insert shortcode” popup to select and insert shortcodes.
  • Een shortcode ingevoegd in een bericht.
  • Shortcoder blok voor Gutenberg editor.
  • Shortcoder uitgevoerd in het bericht.
  • Voeg shortcode inline in vanuit de blok editor werkbalken.


Deze plugin voorziet 1 blok.

  • Shortcoder


  1. Pak het gezipte bestand uit en upload de map Shortcoder naar de map /wp-content/plugins/.
  2. Activeer de plugin via het Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Open the admin page from the “Shortcoder” link in the navigation menu.


Ga naar de plugin documentatie pagina voor de volledige lijst met FAQs.

What are the allowed characters for shortcode name?

Toegestane tekens zijn alfabetten, cijfers, koppeltekens en onderstrepingstekens.

Mijn shortcode werkt niet in mijn pagina bouwer!

Please check with your page builder plugin to confirm if the block/place/area where the shortcode is being used can execute shortcodes. If yes, then shortcode should work fine just like regular WordPress shortcodes.

Mijn shortcode werkt niet!

Controleer het volgende als je merkt dat de inhoud van de shortcode niet wordt afgedrukt of als de uitvoer niet is zoals verwacht.

  • Please verify if the shortcode content is printed. If shortcode content is not seen printed, check the shortcode settings to see if any option is enabled to restrict where and when shortcode is printed. Also confirm if the shortcode name is correct and there is no duplicate name attribute for the shortcode.
  • Als shortcode wordt afgedrukt, maar de output is niet zoals verwacht, probeer dan de shortcode inhoud in een geïsoleerde omgeving en te bevestigen of de shortcode inhoud correct werkt zoals verwacht. Soms kan aan het externe factoren liggen zoals thema, andere plugin zou kunnen botsen met de shortcode inhoud wordt gebruikt.
  • Er is een bekende beperking in shortcodes API wanneer er een combinatie is van niet-gesloten en gesloten shortcodes. Raadpleeg dit document voor meer informatie.

Kan ik PHP code in mijn shortcode inhoud invoegen?

Nee, op dit moment ondersteunt de plugin alleen HTML, Javascript en CSS als shortcode inhoud.

Kan ik een blok-editor of paginabouwers zoals Elementor en WPBakery gebruiken om shortcode te maken?

Ja, deze functie is beschikbaar in de PRO-versie. Je kan upgraden naar de PRO-versie om te ontwerpen met een aangepaste editor en daarvoor shortcode te maken.


5 juni 2024 1 reactie
This plugin is amazing and a great way to save time, especially if you are cloning sites with Wordpress multisite. Author was extremely helpful, we will be using this plugin from now on going forward.
2 oktober 2023
Works well, but not compatible with WPML. So, it is good for local businesses only. Also, it did not work in the Cloud Templates (TagDiv/Newspaper), so I could not use it in the header or footer. I don’t know if there is a solution to this, I did not investigate this issue further as WPML compatibility is critical.
5 mei 2023 3 reacties
The plugin is great, unfortunately ot does not interact well with WPML
3 maart 2023 1 reactie
Thank you for this plugin. It is lightweight, intuitive, and effective. I have used several similar plugins in the past in an attempt to give my clients more content control. However, those plugins either have been abandoned or do not work in some contexts (e.g., in archive pages of custom post types). Shortcoder will be my new go-to.
Lees alle 218 beoordelingen

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“Shortcoder — Create Shortcodes for Anything” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


“Shortcoder — Create Shortcodes for Anything” is vertaald in 13 talen. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.

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  • New: Option to set shortcode display name next to shortcode name.
  • New: Option to execute WordPress block HTML in shortcode content.
  • Fix: Shortcoder roles are registered when plugin is activated.


  • Fix: Verify permissions while closing Shortcoder changelog.


  • Fix: Admin ajax vulnerability with nonce.


  • New: Set default value for the custom field parameters.
  • New: Custom parameter default value is shown in the insert shortcode popup.
  • Fix: Restrict access to admin-ajax calls.
  • Fix: Some admin texts were missing translation.
  • Fix: Removed the note in the insert popup for fully closed shortcode.
  • Fix: Debug comment line now has the name of the shortcode.


  • New: Option to show shortcode content in “All shortcodes” page.
  • Fix: Some texts were not translated.
  • Fix: Error in WP Bakery page builder while picking images.


  • New: Enhancements to shortcode edit screen meta boxes.
  • Fix: HTML is escaped in the editor sometimes.
  • Fix: Support for WordPress 6.1


  • Nieuw: PRO versie is geïntroduceerd.
  • New: Prevent same shortcode nested loop.
  • New: New actions and filters introduced.
  • Fix: Post excerpt shortcode parameter now prints full post excerpt.
  • Fix: Enhancements to input and output data sanitization.


  • New: Option to set description for the shortcode.
  • New: New actions and filters introduced.
  • Fix: Minor admin UI enhancements.


  • New: Reordered shortcode column in the “All shortcodes” page.
  • New: Option to copy shortcode directly from “All shortcodes” page.
  • New: Filter sc_mod_content to modify shortcode content before execution.
  • Fix: Shortcode won’t save if the email field in the feedback form has invalid value.
  • Fix: Custom parameter with hyphen was not highlighted in code editor.
  • Fix: Minor admin UI enhancements.


  • New: Shortcodes available to copy/insert are now closed by default.
  • Fix: Custom parameter value 0 is not displayed.
  • Opgelost: ondersteuning voor WordPress 5.8


  • New: General settings page to configure default editor and shortcode content.
  • New: Block to insert shortcode rewritten from scratch.
  • New: Toolbar button to insert shortcodes inline.
  • New: Shortcodes are now closed by default when inserted from editor.
  • Fix: Custom fields parsing issue when they are placed next to each other.
  • Fix: Enclosed content in block input now retains multi-line.
  • Fix: Minor refinements to UI.


  • New: Code editor is now loaded locally and not from cloudflare.
  • New: Code editor now shows hints and highlights any syntax error.
  • New: Hyphens can now be used in shortcode custom parameters.
  • Fix: Handle scenario where shortcode attribute is received as a string sometimes.
  • Fix: Notice where wp_localize_script was called incorrectly.
  • Fix: Handle scenario where HTML is passed as shortcode parameter.
  • Nieuw: WordPress eis veranderd van 4.4 naar 4.9


  • Nieuw: getest tot WordPress 5.6
  • Fix: Handle warning with trim while fetching page metadata at some pages.


  • New: Support for post slug as the new shortcode parameter under WordPress information.
  • New: Codemirror has been updated to latest version.
  • Fix: Handle code editor loading issue when there is any collision.
  • Fix: Handle input fields which have empty id attribute.
  • Fix: Handle issue of $post object being undefined at some cases.
  • Fix: Renamed usages of __class__ to __CLASS__


  • New: In code editor, shortcodes will be highlighted and code editor font size is slightly bigger.


  • New: Code editor is now made the default editor.
  • Fix: Minor changes to admin UI.


  • New: Added support for underscores in custom parameters.
  • New: Getting ready for internationalization of the plugin.
  • Fix: Insert shortcode popup shows duplicate available parameters in case of same parameter with different case.


  • Fix: Custom parameters being not replaced in some scenarios.
  • Fix: Minor enhancement to insert custom parameter form.


  • New: Default values can now be provided to custom parameters.
  • Fix: Script tags, custom field placeholder and backslash being stripped after saving the shortcode sometimes.
  • Fix: Rel attribute being modified for links.
  • New: Added “Manage shortcodes” link to plugin list page for easy access after activation.


  • New: Import/Export link added to the shortcoder list page.
  • Fix: empty() was throwing error at some places for users using PHP 5.5 below as function return value was passed to it.
  • Fix: Shortcoder QTTags button was loading in frontends.
  • Fix: “Insert shortcode” popup was hidden behind in theme customizer page.
  • Fix: array_key_exists array but bool given warning.
  • Fix: Hide comments metabox in shortcode edit page as it was shown in certain conditions.


  • Fix: script and style tags stripped after 4.x upgrade. New migration will run in this version and shortcode content will now be fixed.


  • Fix: Shortcode content is not escaped when code editor is used. This is requirement because post_content behaves strangely when user has rich editing enabled.


  • Fix: Shortcodes inside shortcode content not getting executed.
  • Fix: Disable Gutenberg block for older not supported WordPress versions.


  • Fix: Code editor escaping HTML characters.
  • Fix: get_current_screen() undefined.
  • Fix: Code editor breaks if there is any other plugin which loads codemirror.
  • Fix: tools.php is not found.


  • New: Brand new version. Plugin rewritten from scratch.
  • New: Shortcoder block for the block editor.


  • New: Insert shortcode automatically adds “closing tag” if the shortcode has enclosed content parameter.
  • Fix: Codemirror has been updated to latest version.


  • New: Edit shortcode name after creating.
  • New: Post modified date parameter added.
  • Fix: Date parameters now display in site language.


  • Fix: Some plugins fail to fire onload JS event since it was overwritten by shortcoder.
  • Oplossing: Javascript in de pop-up voor het invoegen van shortcodes werkt niet in IE 11.
  • Oplossing: haakje ontbreekt bij het aanroepen van is_year.
  • Oplossing: widgetspagina laadt de pop-up voor het invoegen van shortcodes niet.
  • Fix: Removed settings emoji icon from plugin actions list.
  • Fix: Load latest version 5.42.0 of codemirror.
  • Fix: Updated minimum required WordPress version.


  • Fix: Minor UI refinements for better experience.
  • Fix: Import error where some exported JSON files have 0 as EOF.


  • New: Insert custom fields in shortcode content.
  • Fix: Removed comments in shortcode output


  • New: Categorize, search and filter shortcodes using “tags”.
  • New: Last used shortcode editor will be saved along with shortcode.
  • New: Enclosed shortcode content can now be used as shortcode parameter.
  • New: Active line highlight has been enabled for code editor.
  • Fix: Codemirror has been updated to latest version.
  • Fix: Minor admin interface enhancements.


  • New: Date variables can noe be added into shortcode content.
  • Fix: Error “trying to get property of non-object” is handled.


  • New: Bloginfo variables can now be added into shortcode content.


  • New: Codemirror powered syntax highlighted shortcode content code editor (beta).


  • Fix: Shortcode names with not-allowed characters cannot be edited/deleted.
  • New: Shortcode imports made can now be fresh or overwritten.
  • New: Only users with manage_options capability will see “edit shortcode” option in insert window.
  • Fix: Import failure with UTF-8 characters.
  • Fix: Case sensitive search in admin pages.
  • Fix: Minor admin interface changes.


  • New: Search box for shortcodes in admin page.


  • Fix: HTTP 500 error because of syntax error in import module.


  • New: Import/export feature for shortcodes.
  • Fix: Visual editor is now disabled by default.
  • Fix: Added instructions in admin page.


  • New: Added feature to sort created shortcodes list.
  • Fix: HTML errors in admin page


  • Fix: Sometimes get_current_screen() was called early in some setups.


  • Fix: Servers with PHP version < 5.5 were facing HTTP 500 error because of misuse of PHP language construct in code.


  • Nieuw: plugin herschreven vanaf nul.
  • Nieuw: gloednieuwe administratiepagina
  • Nieuw: instellingen voor zichtbaarheid van shortcodes, tonen/verbergen op desktop/mobiele apparaten
  • New: Insert WordPress information into shortcode content.
  • Fix: Insert shortcode window is not loading.
  • Fix: Unable to delete the shortcodes

(Older change logs are removed from this list)