Plugin tag: password
Password Protected – Password Protect your WordPress Site, Pages, & WooCommerce Products – Restrict Content, Protect WooCommerce Category and more
(126 aantal beoordelingen)Protect your WordPress site, pages, posts, WooCommerce products, and categories with single or multiple passwords.
Theme My Login
(459 aantal beoordelingen)The ultimate login branding solution! Theme My Login offers matchless customization of your WordPress user experience!
PPWP – Password Protect Pages
(266 aantal beoordelingen)Password protect WordPress pages and posts by user roles or with multiple passwords; protect your entire website with a single password.
Frontend Reset Password
(38 aantal beoordelingen)Let your users reset their forgotten passwords from the frontend of your website.
Passster – Password Protect Pages and Content
(56 aantal beoordelingen)Password Protect Pages, Posts & Content in WordPress
(13 aantal beoordelingen)This plugin provides single sign-on via SAML and gives users one-click access to their WordPress accounts from identity providers like OneLogin.
Login Security Solution
(54 aantal beoordelingen)Security against brute force attacks by tracking IP, name, password; requiring very strong passwords. Idle timeout. Maintenance mode lockdown.
ContentProtector – password protect your page, post or text
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Protect your content with passwords using easy-to-use shortcodes. Supports both global protection and partial content protection.
Smart Passworded Pages
(21 aantal beoordelingen)Create central "Enter your password" page and the password entered determine which page the user sees next.
Password bcrypt
(3 aantal beoordelingen)Replaces wp_hash_password and wp_check_password with PHP 5.5's password_hash and password_verify.
PHP Native Password Hash
(5 aantal beoordelingen)Makes WordPress use PHP's native password_hash() functions for portable, stronger, and time-attack safe bcrypt and Argon2 hashes.
Wp Edit Password Protected – Create Password Protect Pages & Design Password Protected Form
(17 aantal beoordelingen)Create easily Password protected page or posts in your WordPress website.
Passwords Evolved
(2 aantal beoordelingen)A reimagining of WordPress authentication using modern security practices.
Multiple Post Passwords
(11 aantal beoordelingen)Set multiple passwords for your protected pages so you can give them to different users.
WaterMark PDF for WooCommerce – Stamp PDFs with Customer Data
(46 aantal beoordelingen)Watermark PDF (FKA WaterWoo) allows WooCommerce site administrators to apply a custom watermark & password to a simple PDF upon sale.
Disable Password Reset
(4 aantal beoordelingen)Enhance security of your blogs by preventing password reset over email function.
Protect the Children!
(12 aantal beoordelingen)Easily password protect the child pages/posts of a post/page that is password protected.
Password Strength for WooCommerce
(6 aantal beoordelingen)Disables password strength enforcement in WooCommerce.