Dit thema is al 2 jaar niet bijgewerkt. Het wordt mogelijk niet meer onderhouden of ondersteund en kan compatibiliteitsproblemen geven als het wordt gebruikt met een recentere versie van WordPress.
FinanceRecruitment has a minimalistic layout that focuses on simplicity and readability. Easy installation allows you to start post blogs immediately after the activation. Theme supported Customizer which allows you to customize and change design of your blog. Perfect choice for your personal blog, corporate blog, marketing blog, authority blog or any type of creative blog. We have made clean code so the load time is fast, quick page speed is a big part of our SEO friendly theme. Whether you like food, fashion, photography, travel or need a business portfolio then our minimal article theme is a good choice. If you are a corporate business or agency, you can use it to design your creative & elegant landing page. Bloggers can use ads like adsense and affiliate marketing for your blog page about books, actors or other entertainment as well as write a journal / biography about your personal life with our typography optimised, reading friendly, flat and light design. We don’t yet fully support websites having a one page / single page with post builder plugins, but we will add that soon together with making special white and dark layouts for school, education, coach and conference sites. FinanceRecruitment has many features such as widgets, header image and responsive design so it works on mobile phones too.
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Actieve installaties: 70+
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