Deze plugin is niet getest met de laatste drie grote versies van WordPress. Mogelijk wordt het niet meer onderhouden of ondersteund. Er kunnen ook compatibiliteitsproblemen ontstaan wanneer het wordt gebruikt met recentere versies van WordPress.

WP Ya Share


The WP Ya.Share plugin adds to your blog a set of buttons to save URLs of your pages/posts in popular social networks (twitter, facebook, livejournal, vkontakte etc.).

Добавляет блок ‘Поделиться’ (Ya.Share, разработанный в yandex) для сохранения ссылки просматриваемой страницы вашего блога в популярных ‘социальных сервисах’ (вконтакте, жж, твиттер и т. д.).

It uses the Yandex Ya.share API; I shaped it into wordpress plugin with some options only.

The following options are available:

  • locate “ya.share” block either in the content of a page/single post or in the sidebar (as a new widget);
  • select a list of preferable social networks;
  • button/link/icon for expanded social networks list, or nothing;
  • left, right or centered location;
  • above or under the content;
  • inscription language.
    Please feel free to contact me with your questions or suggestions.


  1. Upload to your plugins directory using the wordpress plugin installation interface and activate the plugin.
  2. Select your preferable options at the Ya.share options page.


I need Ya.share appears everywhere in my blog, not on pages and single posts

On the plugin options page select ‘create widget’, then set the Ya.share widget to the appropriate place in a sidebar.

Or select ‘multiple’ (also in any post on archive pages) option.

I would like to embed ya share into some posts, not into all.

Check the Ya.share location option: “selectively”. Then just add this code: [ya_share] into the post content.


8 februari 2017
Предлагаю Вашему вниманию несколько доработанный код, который необходимо вставить путем замены в файле wp-ya-share.php. Поехали… 1) строка 65: 'type' => array('button', 'icon', 'link', 'none'), заменить на 'type' => array('button', 'icon', 'link', 'none', 'small', 'big'), 2) строка 221: foreach ( array('button', 'icon', 'link', 'none') as $item ) { заменить на foreach ( array('button', 'icon', 'link', 'none', 'small', 'big') as $item ) { …и вуа-ля! Теперь мы можем менять кнопки на маленькие и БОЛЬШИЕ. Маленькие кнопки: Большие кнопки: Страница настроек:
Lees alle 4 beoordelingen

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“WP Ya Share” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


Vertaal “WP Ya Share” naar jouw taal.

Interesse in de ontwikkeling?

Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.



  • API domain changed from unreliable to
  • Added: sharing to Pinterest.
  • Removed: sharing to


  • New setting: button style (theme).
  • Code improve.


  • Added: Copy-paste option in popup block.
  • Added: Surfingbird service.
  • Minor changes fixing php warnings and notices.


  • Added: different title for each post when multiple option is active, instead of blog title.


  • Added options: to show multiple ya-share blocks and to show it selectively via short code.
  • Added services: Google+,,; Google+ added to the services default list.
  • Removed services: Google Reader, Google Buzz.
  • Most of the code is rewritten.
  • Added Belorussian translation made by Alexander Ovsov.


  • Changeable pop-up list.
  • Custom button text and pop-up title.
  • Button for deleting options.
  • Some minor changes.


  • first version.