Deze plugin is gesloten sinds 7 maart 2024 en is niet beschikbaar om te downloaden. Reden: Beveiligingsrisico.
31 januari 2024
I do not recommend it, a year ago I wrote about canceling the subscription, unfortunately they did not turn it off and continue to charge from my cards.
26 december 2023
Ottimo plugin
19 september 2023
they have excellent products, in my case I use both the wp radio directory and the wp radio player, they are excellent because I work a lot in the creation of stations, but the support they have is very bad, they do not answer emails, do not respond chat for that reason I give them one star, because it is useless to offer a good product but a bad support.
21 september 2023
comprei este plugim mais dois complementos dele todos apresentam algum tipo de bug ou não funciona, enviei um ticket de suporte a empresa desemvolvedora e estou há ver navios a pelo menos 30 dias, comprei licenças vitalicias, e o pior não achei nenhuma solução de reembolso junto a empresa fremiuns que intermediou os pagamentos. Mantenho minha opinião até hoje estou vendo navios sem suporte até hoje
20 juli 2023
I have a pro version of the plugin, I can’t import stations, writes “Something went wrong. Please try again.” Please fix this problem
11 februari 2023
A pity, it does not have improvements for PageSpeed Insights, and repowers some ajax errors in the console. but it’s a good resource pack. very limited by not allowing insertion of third party scode in your pages
Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars
“WP Radio – Worldwide Online Radio Stations Directory for WordPress” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.
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