Deze plugin is niet getest met de laatste drie grote versies van WordPress. Mogelijk wordt het niet meer onderhouden of ondersteund. Er kunnen ook compatibiliteitsproblemen ontstaan wanneer het wordt gebruikt met recentere versies van WordPress.

Woo Title Limit


Simply set the maximum length of product titles for WooCommerce in the shop, category, tag, product view and on the homepage.
No broken templates due to too long product titles.
Useful for automatically added affiliate products.


  • Set max. title length for the shop view
  • Set max. title length for the product category view
  • Set max. title length for the product tag view
  • Set max. title length for the product view
  • Set max. title length for the home page
  • Optional: limit title length at the end of the current word instead of breaking the title
  • Automatically limit product titles in Woocommerce widgets (optional)
  • Add “…” if product titles are longer then the limit


  • WooCommerce frontend without a limit for product titles.
  • WooCommerce frontend with a limit for product titles using Woo Title Limit.
  • Woo Title Limit easy to use settings page.
  • Woo Title Limit easy to use settings page.
  • Woo Title Limit easy to use settings page.


  1. Upload the plugin directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->Woo Title Limit screen to configure the plugin and set up your title lengths.


Send me your questions to


9 november 2020 1 reactie
Does what it says on the can 🙂 Has a lot of potential scope for new features but for a free plugin, you cant go wrong, and also has an active dev which is always good!
Lees alle 22 beoordelingen

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“Woo Title Limit” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


“Woo Title Limit” is vertaald in 2 talen. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.

Vertaal “Woo Title Limit” naar jouw taal.

Interesse in de ontwikkeling?

Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.



  • fix version


  • tested up to WordPress 5.8.3
  • tested up to WooCommerce 6.0.0


  • tested up to version WordPress 5.5.1
  • tested up to WooCommerce 4.6.1


  • The whole plugin was refactored. The entire structure is now easy to maintain. In this way, new functions can be integrated more easily and errors corrected more quickly.
  • The settings page was revised and divided into tabs. This makes it easier to integrate new settings and improves the overview.
  • Die Einstellungen werden in der Datenbank jetzt in mehreren Optionen gespeichert. Version 2.0.0 ist dabei kompatibel zu früheren Versionen, da bei einem Update die alten Einstellungen migriert werden. Du kannst jederzeit auf eine ältere Version wechseln, solltest du Fehler feststellen.
  • update: The texts have been revised and now better describe the respective option.
  • add: additional translations
  • add: options for product tag sites
  • add: file
  • fix: warnings and notices fixed, removed unnecessary code
  • tested with: wordpress 5.3.2 and WooCommerce 3.9.1


  • fix: undefined notice


  • fix: version


  • fix: undefined notices
  • tested for wordpress 5.1


  • fix: not working on home page
  • tested for wordpress 4.9.4


  • added: product title settings for home page
  • tested: woocommerce 3.0.9


  • tested: wordpress 4.8
  • seperate css to files
  • bugfixes


  • tested: wordpress 4.7.1


  • fixed: no title output for Woocommerce shortcodes


  • added: input fields now required
  • added: option to limit title by end of the upcoming word instead of breaking the word at limit
  • added: option for automatically limit product titles in Woocommerce widgets (beta)
  • added: uninstall routine – after deleting the plugin at backend, plugin options in database deleted too
  • updated: translation and languages directory
  • fixed: error selecting right post type
  • fixed: “…” only added if the title contains more characters then the character limit


  • fixed: error in v1.1


  • added: new option to add “…” at the end of a shortened title
  • added: new tags
  • added: better description of the plugin
  • added: new screenshot showing the new option
  • fixed: translation/spelling errors in description and option window


  • fixed: a php error message at frontend if Woocommerce isnt activated or installed
  • added: warning message at Woo Title Limit options page if Woo Title Limit is activated but WooComerce still not installed or activated
  • added: text-domain and domain-path to plugin header for localization support
  • added: some comments to plugin code for better unterstanding
  • added: screenshots, logo (icon) and banner to plugins page


  • fixed: (again) readme and description errors


  • fixed: readme and description errors


  • Plugin release