Deze plugin is niet getest met de laatste drie grote versies van WordPress. Mogelijk wordt het niet meer onderhouden of ondersteund. Er kunnen ook compatibiliteitsproblemen ontstaan wanneer het wordt gebruikt met recentere versies van WordPress.

Direct Checkout for WooCommerce Lite


This simple Plugins adds new button next to add to cart button to enhance functionality. this button add current product to cart and auto directs to check out page.
You can add Custom text for both add to cart and custom buttons.

Features/Options available

1.Plugins adds new button next to add to cart button for direct checkout.
2.You can control when to enable and disable functionality.
3.Can Change text for ‘Add To Cart’ button.
4.Can show direct checkout button on shop page
5.Quick BuyNow functionality.

Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of this plugin, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.
In the search field type \”Direct Checkout for WooCommerce Lite\” and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found this plugin, you can install it by simply clicking Install Now


Download and unzip the plugin
Upload the entire plugin/ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress


Direct Checkout for WooCommerce Lite is based on following third-party resource:



  • Direct Checkout button on shop page
  • Direct Checkout button on product page
  • Settings
  • Settings


HOW TO USE Direct Checkout Plugin?
You just need to install and activate it will automatically adds button. Plugin Settings menu is available under Woocommerce menu.


3 mei 2020
Everything functioned until checkout when the order details and place order button stay grey scale making the place order button not functional to complete the order process.
Lees alle 3 beoordelingen

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“Direct Checkout for WooCommerce Lite” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


“Direct Checkout for WooCommerce Lite” is vertaald in 2 talen. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.

Vertaal “Direct Checkout for WooCommerce Lite” naar jouw taal.

Interesse in de ontwikkeling?

Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.


Fixed issues related to variable product Validation.

Fixed issues related to variable product checkout process.

Changed the plugin index file to match with the url slug.

Initial release of Direct Checkout for WooCommerce Lite on