Deze plugin is niet getest met de laatste drie grote versies van WordPress. Mogelijk wordt het niet meer onderhouden of ondersteund. Er kunnen ook compatibiliteitsproblemen ontstaan wanneer het wordt gebruikt met recentere versies van WordPress.

Wholesale Customers For WooCommerce


A simple and easy to use B2B solution for WooCommerce. Wholesale Customers For Woo will assist you in selling wholesale through your WooCommerce store.

With a variety of features in the free version, you won’t need another wholesale plugin for WooCommerce.


andrewza handed Wholesale Customers for Woo over to me in 2022 with the hopes of this project receiving more attention. Admittedly, life has gotten in the way of it but I’m hoping to spend more time on this in the coming months. Keep an eye on the changelog, and let me know if you’re looking for any missing features by opening a support topic on this forum.


  • Assign user’s to be wholesale customers. (This may be used for VIP guests for WooCommerce).

  • Global discount (percentage) for WooCommerce store.

  • Minimum purchase amount ($) for wholesale customers.

  • Wholesale pricing for each product (simple products and/or variations). Overwrites the global discount if wholesale price is set within a particular product.

  • Translation ready

Upcoming Features

These features will be released in any order and may change according to our discretion.

  • Minimum/Maximum quantity per product.
  • Tiered based pricing on quantity. (e.g. 1-10 = $10 ea. 11-20 = $9.50 ea. 20+ = $8 ea.)
  • Purchase orders.
  • Purchase on credit.
  • Front-end wholesale customer capture form/registration.
  • Show products in category X to only wholesale customers.
  • Hide pricing for non-wholesale customers.
  • Global wholesale pricing can be set to either a fixed amount or percentage.
  • Global discount per category for wholesale customers (fixed or percentage).
  • Exclusive sales to only wholesale customers.
  • Wholesale child-accounts. Great for companies that may have many buyers.
  • Various hooks for developers.
  • Integration with other plugins.
  • Wholesale groups. Easily group your wholesale customers.
  • Email functionality for all wholesale customers.
  • List of all wholesale customers in one place.
  • Shipping methods based on wholesale customer.
  • Payment methods based on wholesale customer.
  • Import / Export products for WooCommerce (including custom product meta).
  • More features to be listed…


Support is offered via The repository


  • Set user to be a Wholesale Customer inside the user’s edit profile page.
  • Set the global discount on your WooCommerce Store for wholesale customers.
  • Minimum cart totals for WooCommerce checkout for wholesale customers.
  • WooCommerce Simple product wholesale pricing.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the \’/wp-content/plugins\’ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Navigate to \’WooCommerce\’ and data will be showing under \’General Settings Tab\’ > \’Pricing Options\’.
  4. To enable users to become wholesalers, simply enable the \’Wholesale Customer\’ checkbox in the \’Edit User Profile\’.


What version of WooCommerce does this support?

This has been tested on version 3.0 and up.

My global discount is not working for some products

If your product has a wholesale price set, this will overwrite the global discount.


29 juni 2018
Wholesale Customers For Woo works great, I like that it can also be used for VIP pricing if need be. Haven’t gotten any errors yet and look forward to more features soon.
23 maart 2018 1 reactie
Awesome Plugin, I found some error during adding wholesale price they appear on Product page in admin.. 🙂
30 september 2017 4 reacties
Hello: I installed your plugin on and believe you’re off to a good start. However, the additional features planned for future versions will be paramount in the long term success of this plugin. As a suggestion, I would include an application form that allows for file uploads and a captcha to prevent spam registrations. Thank you.
6 september 2017 1 reactie
Awesome Plugin. Can’t wait for more features! 🙂
Lees alle 4 beoordelingen

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“Wholesale Customers For WooCommerce” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


“Wholesale Customers For WooCommerce” is vertaald in 2 talen. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.

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Interesse in de ontwikkeling?

Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.


1.0.6 – 14-08-2023

  • Tested up to versions for Core and WooCommerce.
  • Announcement of change of ownership and commitment to maintaining.

1.0.5 – 28-05-2020

  • Bug Fix: Hide extra column when screens are too small.
  • Enhancement: Removed admin notice, WordPress has enough of those for now.
  • Tested on latest version of WooCommerce and WordPress and updated versions.

  • Bug Fix: Newsletter Optin form would not dismiss as expected

  • Bug Fix: If variations had same price for min and max value, display only one price instead of variation price.
  • Enhancement: Subscribe to our newsletter prompt


  • Enhancement: Translation support for GlotPress.
  • Bug Fix: Wholesale amounts would round-off.


  • General Bug Fixes
  • Enhancement: Wholesale pricing for variation products ( Includes the pricing range to work with global discount + wholesale pricing at the same time).


  • Enhancement: Wholesale pricing for simple product.


  • Feature: minimum cart total for wholesale customers
  • Enhancement: Better UI for settings page.
  • Enhancement: Better coding structure for settings page.


  • Initial Release.