Plugin tag: post
Floating Publish Button
(12 aantal beoordelingen)A WordPress plugin that alters the position and behavior of the Publish button, making it stick to the top of the page when scrolling down the page
Link Shortner
(11 aantal beoordelingen)Link Shortner helps you to generate a short link and share any URL on or off of your WordPress website. Create links that look how you want using your …
Most And Least Read Posts Widget
(6 aantal beoordelingen)Provide two widgets, showing lists of the most and reast read posts.
(2 aantal beoordelingen)This plugin generates a better excerpt for multi-byte language users (Chinese, for example). Besides, it keeps the html tags in the excerpt.
Simple Export Import for ACF Data
(15 aantal beoordelingen)With this plugin you simply export and import page, post and custom post. This plugin supports ACF fields.
Stealth Publish
(11 aantal beoordelingen)Prevent specified posts from being featured on the front page or in feeds, and from notifying external services of publication.
Custom CSS and JS
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Custom CSS and JavaScript allows you to add custom internal and external CSS and JavaScripts to individual posts.
WP Discord Post Plus – Supports Unlimited Channels
(11 aantal beoordelingen)WP Discord Post Plus integrates with WordPress and WooCommerce (if installed) to send your new post and orders to discord channels.
Require Post Category
(11 aantal beoordelingen)Require users to choose a post category before updating or publishing a post.
Custom Background Extended
(10 aantal beoordelingen)Allows users to create a custom background on a per-post basis.
Post Status Notifier Lite
(17 aantal beoordelingen)Notify on every post change: Flexible rules, custom placeholders and support for all post types and taxonomies.
Custom Post Type Parents
(6 aantal beoordelingen)Set a "parent page" for custom post types that is indicated in menus, lists of pages, and the Simple Section Navigation widget.
Advanced Category Excluder
(16 aantal beoordelingen)The No.1 content separator, content manager, content excluder, sidebar widget manager plugin to enable CMS like functionality.
WP Lorem ipsum
(5 aantal beoordelingen)WP Lorem ipsum automatically create new fake posts to fill the database and get a very good impression for your website.
Category Featured Images
(11 aantal beoordelingen)Set a featured image for all the posts of a category.
Simple Revision Control
(12 aantal beoordelingen)Manage post types revisions. You can also delete all unwanted revisions at all. If you are able to edit wp-config.php file or you want to have only …
Background Per Page
(9 aantal beoordelingen)Background Per Page allows you to set a custom background per page (or post) as well as set up a default background for all other pages/posts.
Post Ratings
(23 aantal beoordelingen)Simple, developer-friendly, straightforward post rating plugin. Relies on post meta to store avg. rating / vote count.