Plugin tag: pagination
Back and Forward Button
(4 aantal beoordelingen)Add ◄ and ► button anywhere in website matching theme color and style. Check the Live Preview first, then Install.
Custom Pagination Permalinks
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Custom listing pagination URLs instead default WordPress permalinks like "[..]/page/[number]/"
Single Page Pagination
(0 aantal beoordelingen)A simple plugin that displays next and previous links on single post pages. Posts are ordered chronologically.
Paginated Effects Gallery
(7 aantal beoordelingen)A simple, light and easy-to-use plugin that adds jQuery pagination to the standard wordpress gallery with cool jquery effects.
(2 aantal beoordelingen)Provides users with better and simple navigation interface.
Author: António Andrade
(6 aantal beoordelingen)Handles naming of each post page through a TinyMCE button and produces a Table of Contents for the said post.
Paged Post Slider
(7 aantal beoordelingen)Automagically turns multi-page posts into an ajax-based slideshow. Simply activate, choose the display options for your slider, and go!
Custom Base Terms
(1 aantal beoordelingen)Modifique las estructuras personalizadas en las URLs para autor, búsqueda, comentarios, página y feed.
WP EasyScroll Posts
(5 aantal beoordelingen)Easy and fast load plugin to append next page of posts to your current page when a user scrolls to the bottom.
Widget Pagination
(0 aantal beoordelingen)This plugin lets you add a stylable pagination for the widgets: Archives, Categories, Links, Meta, Pages, Individual Pages, Recent Posts and Recent Co …
Infinite Product Scroll For WooCommerce
(1 aantal beoordelingen)Display infinite products on product listing pages without Pagination.
Wp List Category Posts With Pagination
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Wp List Category Posts With Pagination allows you to list posts from a category into a post or page with pagination using the [es-catlist]
Simple Custom Posts per Page
(0 aantal beoordelingen)This plugin allows to configure the number of posts displayed for every custom post registered.
Electric Pagination Fix
(1 aantal beoordelingen)If you create a custom taxonomy in WordPress, whether it’s part of a theme or a plugin, you may encounter a 404 error when trying to view the taxonomy …
Pagination Translator
(1 aantal beoordelingen)Simple plugin wich allows you to set your pagination name in URL.