Plugin tag: classic editor
Classic Editor
(1.202 aantal beoordelingen)Schakelt de vorige "klassieke" editor in en het oude bewerkt bericht scherm in met TinyMCE, metaboxes, enz. Ondersteunt alle plugins die dit scherm uitbreiden.
Advanced Editor Tools
(346 aantal beoordelingen)Breid uit en verbetert de blok-editor (Gutenberg) en de klassieke editor (TinyMCE).
Disable Gutenberg
(718 aantal beoordelingen)Disable Gutenberg Block Editor and restore the Classic Editor and original Edit Post screen (TinyMCE, meta boxes, etc.).
Classic Editor +
(31 aantal beoordelingen)The "Classic Editor +" plugin disables the block editor, removes enqueued scripts/styles and brings back classic Widgets.
Enlighter – Customizable Syntax Highlighter
(66 aantal beoordelingen)All-in-one Syntax Highlighting solution. Full Gutenberg and Classic Editor integration. Graphical theme customizer. Based on EnlighterJS.
Classic Editor and Classic Widgets
(4 aantal beoordelingen)Disables Gutenberg editor totally everywhere and enables Classic Editor and Classic Widgets.
No Gutenberg – Disable Gutenberg Blocks Editor and FSE Global Styles
(13 aantal beoordelingen)Disable the Gutenberg Block Editor and FSE Global Styles
Enable Classic Editor & Widgets
(5 aantal beoordelingen)A simple & lightweight plugin to enable the classic editor on WordPress.
Remove Gutenberg
(2 aantal beoordelingen)Remove Gutenberg Editor and get back to old version of editor. This provides Original Classic Editor and more.
Web Fonts Loader – Google Fonts Manager
(6 aantal beoordelingen)Elevate your WordPress site with access to the complete range of Google Fonts for enhanced typography and design.
DivUp Content
(4 aantal beoordelingen)Wrap divs around classic editor content using divup shortcodes. Also works for Gutenberg, but you may prefer to use the group block.
Quicktags for WP
(4 aantal beoordelingen)This simple plugin adds useful buttons to the native WordPress HTML editor.
Enable Default Editor
(2 aantal beoordelingen)Enable Default Editor is a free plugin maintained by the keendevs team ( that restores the previous ("classic") WordPress edito …
Block Editor Search & Replace – Text, Links & Images
(15 aantal beoordelingen)Easily search and replace text, images or links in the Block Editor, with backward compatibility for the Classic Editor.
WP Disable Block Editor
(0 aantal beoordelingen)This plugin will WP Disable Block Editor & enable the Classic Editor and original Edit Post screen (TinyMCE, meta boxes, etc all).
Classic Editor on off
(1 aantal beoordelingen)Description: Classic Editor on off is a plugin that gives the ability to turn off all or some of Gutenberg, reverting to classic editor – where needed …
SEPA Payment Gateway for WooCommerce
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Extends WooCommerce support SEPA Payment Gateway.
Block Editor Gallery Slider
(1 aantal beoordelingen)Turn your WordPress Block Editor galleries into customizable sliders; Classic Editor support included.
TCD Classic Editor
(0 aantal beoordelingen)This is a classic editor extension plug-in for TCD users. It is currently offered as a beta board.