Deze plugin is niet getest met de laatste drie grote versies van WordPress. Mogelijk wordt het niet meer onderhouden of ondersteund. Er kunnen ook compatibiliteitsproblemen ontstaan wanneer het wordt gebruikt met recentere versies van WordPress.

STUlab Download Manager


A FULL FREE Simple file publishing plugin allowing any type of file to be downloaded and published securely.

Each file is managed as a custom blog and is attached to an automatic standard blog containing file sheet.
By standard blog usage, is it possible to manage file and its sheet with other plugins such as membership managers.

Security is ensured by compression and encryption process on each file uploaded to the local server. File name is also hidden. So, uploaded files just can’t be played directly.
Shortcodes allow you to customize your posts as you like. For security reasons, file name is never displayed even in download links.

More informations on STUlab.


  • Add new download to publish.
  • Download file page created.
  • Option admin page (custom your publishing template)


Is it realy full free?

YES. No limited functions or premium access.

Does it works on multisite configuration?

Yes. This plugin was tested on both, multi and mono sites configurations.


Er zijn geen beoordelingen voor deze plugin.

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“STUlab Download Manager” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


“STUlab Download Manager” is vertaald in 1 taal. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.

Vertaal “STUlab Download Manager” naar jouw taal.

Interesse in de ontwikkeling?

Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.



  • Minor modifications to solve translation issue


  • Initial release.