Deze plugin is niet getest met de laatste drie grote versies van WordPress. Mogelijk wordt het niet meer onderhouden of ondersteund. Er kunnen ook compatibiliteitsproblemen ontstaan wanneer het wordt gebruikt met recentere versies van WordPress.

Simple Post Slider


Simple Post Slider, will create a beautiful slideshow automatically populated with the posts you add on your WordPress Website. I always wanted to have a plugin that you install add short code and will show the latest posts from DB, this in a very simple, straightforward way, 123 process. Our plugin does the job, you can select the number of posts you want to show on the slider, the category, 3 different skins to select from. We have nice ideas and plans to add on this baby. Will integrate more options, specially thinking of WordPress Developers like us and simplicity.

Posts: This is the number of posts that will appear on the slider automatically, order default by date. Image shown on sliders are taking automatically from featured image, recommended size for image aprox: 1350×556 px. Slider is fully responsive.

Themes: 3 themes, basic will adjust to your site’s styles with square corners, simple will have some styles and round corners, advance it’s fancy with animations, ken burns and round corners.

Categories: The category you select here with the posts within that category will appear in slider, otherwise the slider will show posts from all categories automatically.

Short Code: Add this shortcode in your wordpress theme where you wish Simple Post Slider to appear.

version 1

Plugin Created by and Pavel L

Thanks To Slick


17 februari 2021
Easy to set up and the beautiful slider that can work in any theme. You can adjust the number of posts in the slider and select the desired category. I can choose from several themes that best suit my site design. It meets all my needs. My recommendations
17 februari 2021
Easy to use, and does the job with no hassle. Install, define the options you wish on the plugin backend page, add short code on your theme and start seeing a lovely slider with your posts.
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“Simple Post Slider” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


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