Schema Scalpel


The secret to great schema is to actually put it on your website! Many sites don’t use schema, or use it incorrectly, thereby missing out on a powerful SEO and branding tool.

Schema Scalpel solves this problem by giving you complete control over your website’s structured data. It allows you to tell search engines exactly what you want them to know about who you are and what you do.


  • Create completely customized schema on any page… or every page!
  • Copy and paste from a collection of built-in schema templates recommended by Google
  • Works with the SEO plugins Yoast and All-in-One


From your WordPress dashboard:

  • Visit Plugins > Add New
  • Search for Schema Scalpel
  • Click Install
  • Activate Schema Scalpel from your Plugins page.


  • Download Schema Scalpel.
  • Upload the schema-scalpel directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory (using one of the following: FTP, SFTP, SCP, et al.)
  • Activate Schema Scalpel from your Plugins page.

You will then find a Schema Scalpel menu item in your WordPress admin dashboard.


What is schema?

Schema, also known as structured data, is a form of microdata. I know that clarifies nothing, but stay with me here. Schema allows a website to give search engines precise information about the nature and content of the website.

Organizations, businesses, and individuals all have different types of information necessary for describing who and what they are and what they do. Schema is how that information is conveyed to search engines so that the websites associated with those entities show up in the most relevant search results.

JSON-LD vs. Microdata: What’s the Difference?

Both of these forms of structured data will provide to search engines and their respective bots the information they need to understand your website.

The primary difference is that microdata is written into and dispersed throughout the HTML of your page. This makes maintenance thereof very impractical. JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data (JSON-LD), on the other hand, is contained wholly within a single set of script tags making it very easy to create, update, and improve.

Most importantly, Google recommends that you use JSON-LD! Give the search engines what they ask for in the format that they prefer, and they’ll rank your site higher.


17 juni 2023
Excellent plugin – very fast, well coded and great UI !!Its feels very very clinical in how things can be targeted, which is always nice as opposed to the scattergun method I have seen other plugins implement. I have data OCD so this is a godsend!
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[ADD] For sites with large page/post counts, users can now filter by page/post title for quick searches.
[UPDATE] Numerous maintenance updates to the codebase.


[UPDATE] A few housekeeping updates.
[UPDATE] Compatibility with WordPress 6.7


[UPDATE] Compatibility with WordPress 6.6
[FIX] Schema Scalpel user dantefff went above and beyond and sumbitted a pull request to fix a longstanding bug! Thank you!


[FIX] Exterminated bug that prevented admin pages from loading.


[NEW] The entire codebase has been rebuilt with the addition of a custom HTML generator! Simple, yet effective.

[UPDATE] Extensive updates were made to bring new and existing code into conformity with the WordPress Coding Standards.

[UPDATE] Admin JavaScript has been tightened up, which leads to…

[FIX] The schema-editing JS should be in tip-top shape!


[UPDATE] Brought the codebase into greater conformity with the WordPress Coding Standards.


[UPDATE] Added clarification to the BlogPosting schema generator process.


[NEW] You can now auto-generate schema for all your blog posts with one click!

[UPDATE] CSS framework updated to Bootstrap v5.3.2.

[UPDATE] Various UI improvements.

[UPDATE] Various PHP updates throughout the plugin.

[FIX] Menu item logo sizing.

[FIX] Click-to-edit feature added to global, pages, and posts tabs.


[UPDATE] Clicking on schema will immediately open the popup textbox for editing.
[FIX] Bug fixes.

[UPDATE] Replaced menu icon, and updated menu names.

[UPDATE] Minor updates to the codebase in anticipation of an imminent overhaul(!).

[FIX] The schema_type for homepage schema as found in the custom schema table is now consistent across all PHP file partials.
Please deactivate and re-activate the plugin to initiate the update.

[FIX] The initial tab setting in the database has been updated to homepage. The schema-editing page will now load properly.

[FIX] The initial search query parameter is now fully defaulted to s.

[FIX] If the absolute path to the plugin contained the word home in it, the scsc-create-new-schema.php file wouldn’t properly switch between the schema-type tabs. Naming standard changed to homepage.

[FIX] admin/vars directory didn’t get pushed with last update. >:(


[NEW] Added new example schema as highlighted by the Google Developer documentation, including COVID Announcement schema.

[UPDATE] Updated NewsArticle schema example to include author schema.

[UPDATE] Exmample schema are now called directly from an array rather than the database.

[FIXED] Spaces after commas are now limited to one to maintain traditional punctuation practices.

[FIXED] The create and edit schema buttons were being generated with the incorrect schema type. Each tab will now display the appropriate schema (i.e. home, global, pages, posts).


[FIXED] Should the wp_head() function be called more than once, some functions in the /public/class-schema-scalpel-public.php file would throw a fatal PHP error due to redundant declarations.


[UPDATE] Schema Scalpel works with WordPress 6.0!

[FIXED] A few CSS class names that weren’t updated to Bootstrap 5.x naming standards.

[FIXED] Page and post titles were not displaying properly due to sanitization function.


[UPDATED] The schema/JSON-LD format error checking has been greatly improved.


[FIXED] Version 1.2 was pushed without updating every instance of version number within the plugin.


[NEW] Multisite activation is now possible!

[UPDATE] Removed some comment clutter.


[FIXED] Replaced use of wp_print_scripts hook with wp_enqueue_scripts as the former prevented the loading of schema with some themes.

[FIXED] A bunch of stuff I have changed since publishing Schema Scalpel but have forgotten about because I didn’t know how to use my Subversion client.

[UPDATE] Plugin init function run_schema_scalpel now called via plugins_loaded hook.

[UPDATE] Changed the default search key to s to conform to WordPress’s default search functionality.

[UPDATE] Schema Scalpel logo now uses font paths.


The unleashing of the Schema Scalpel upon the world. You might say that the plugin is now “off the chain”.