Deze plugin is gesloten sinds 10 juli 2024 en is niet beschikbaar om te downloaden. Reden: Overtreding richtlijnen.
21 november 2017
As stated by others, it does not work and is useless, including with WP 4.8.3 with which it is claimed to be compatible.
6 april 2017
Not working.
3 september 2016
Bad checking
3 september 2016
1 reactie
Hi. I installed this plugin because it is recommended to me by a market site to check my plugin against some problems. My plugin uses a few composer packages and they have helper functions, as you have in this plugin, such as dd() function. All of the composer packages I have first check whether the helper function already exists or not before they define it, and this is how it should be. I cannot even see this plugin’s page because it gives an error that “dd() is already defined”.
My problem is that this plugin is used to check some other plugins by some market sites where you can sell your plugin, and it causes an error I am not responsible for. However, the person who checks my plugin may think that the error is due to my plugin and my plugin may get a reject.
So, please check your helper functions if they exist before defining them. This costs a lot to me, since I use composer to keep my plugin up-to-date and now I have to manually remove helper functions from the packages, which takes away the benefits of using composer.
3 september 2016
1 reactie
All my Plugins failed the test – including “Check Plugin”. When I went to delete it, it left crap around include a pointer in admin menu. Not Cool.
3 september 2016
1 reactie
Pretty good design. The results are aren’t very clear though. No need to show the “The auto-generated code is:” section. With a little more work this could be great.
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