Deze plugin is niet getest met de laatste drie grote versies van WordPress. Mogelijk wordt het niet meer onderhouden of ondersteund. Er kunnen ook compatibiliteitsproblemen ontstaan wanneer het wordt gebruikt met recentere versies van WordPress.

PostLists-Extension Gigs Calandar


This PostLists Extension by Pascal Berger provides placeholders for the gigs, created with the WordPress Plugin “Gigs Calendar”, to be used within PostLists lists.

Available placeholders:
%ple_gigs_eventdate%: The date of the event.
%ple_gigs_eventnotes%: Event descriptions.
%ple_gigs_eventname%: Event name.
%ple_gigs_venuename%: The name of the venue in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venueaddress%: The address of the venue in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venuecity%: The city in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venuestate%: The state in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venuecountry%: The country in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venuepostalcode%: The postal code of the city in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venuecontact%: The contact of the venue in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venuephone%: The phone number of the venue in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venueemail%: The email address of the venue in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venuelink%: The website of the venue in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venuenotes%: The remarks of the venue in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venuecustommap%: The coordinates of the venue in which the event takes place.


This Plugin “ple-gigs” is a PostLists-Extension: You need the WordPress plugin “PostLists” to use it!

You can download the WordPress Plugin “PostLists” here:

PostLists is a Plugin for WordPress to add configurable dynamic lists of posts via simple placeholders to a page, post or to your sidebar. PostLists itself can also be extended via other WordPress Plugins (called PostLists Extensions) to add further functionallity to PostLists.

PostLists Extensions

You will find a list of all know extensions for the WordPress Plugin PostLists here:


Install and activate the WordPress plugins “PostLists” and “Gigs Calendar” first if you have not already done!
Gigs Calendar:

Installation of this PostLists-Extension: Upload the folder “ple-gigs” (with all files and subfolders) to your plugins directory (“/wp-content/plugins/”). Then activate the plugin “PostLists-Extension Gigs Calendar” in your WordPress admin panel.


Er zijn geen beoordelingen voor deze plugin.

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“PostLists-Extension Gigs Calandar” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


Vertaal “PostLists-Extension Gigs Calandar” naar jouw taal.

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