Deze plugin is niet getest met de laatste drie grote versies van WordPress. Mogelijk wordt het niet meer onderhouden of ondersteund. Er kunnen ook compatibiliteitsproblemen ontstaan wanneer het wordt gebruikt met recentere versies van WordPress.

Parallax Scrolling Enllax.js


Parallax Scrolling Effect by Enllax.js

An ultra-lightweight and super easy to use plugin for applying parallax scrolling effect to any scrolling element. You can set parallax scrolling effects to background elements, and also in both directions (vertically or horizontally)


Shortcode example

With external image:
[enllax xclass=”enllax” offset=”0″ direction=”horizontal” speed=”0.8″ img=”image url”]
Your content.

With internal image (featured image and content):
[enllax_post postid=”1″ xclass=”enllax” offset=”0″ direction=”horizontal” speed=”0.8″]

xclass: CSS class name (default: enllax)
offset: background offset in pixel (default: 0)
direction: vertical (default) or horizontal
speed: to allow background image to move with different speed, just use a data attribute with a numeric value as a multiplier for scrolling speed, less is slower and 1 is normal (default value: 0.5)
img: Parallax background image url


  • Settings page
  • Web site home page
  • Shortcode in header.php


Add the plugin by uploading the zip file or by installing it from the WordPress Plugin directory.
Activate the plugin and go to the Settings->Enllax.


13 juni 2019
i had tried different parallax background plugins, but couldn’t find one that worked flawlessly. Took some tries to figure out how to get the full width banner working discussed in the support forum, but now its working perfectly.
14 maart 2019
Took my some time to dig into the settings. But dude this Plugin is just amazing. simple and effective at the same time!!!
4 januari 2019
I had been for a while looking for a plugin like this. It’s does just what i needed. You can make images and elements move at different time than backgrounds or whith scroll. If you don’t know anything about javascript, this plugin is just perfect! Wonderful! Congrats!
Lees alle 3 beoordelingen

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“Parallax Scrolling Enllax.js” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


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  • Add new shortcode (enllax_post)


  • Add background offset option


  • More Parallax effect with different CSS classes (use more CSS classes in customizing area, .enllax01, .enllax02, etc.)


  • Enllax plugin button on edit page


  • Enllax info page move to Settings menu
  • New CSS customize option
  • Compatible with Scripts-To-Footer.