New Tab Actions by wasiwarez


This plugin adds row actions to WordPress list tables. In this version it adds the edit and the view link for opening in new tab. Currently this is only added to the post and the page list table. There will be additional links inside the table rows. Next to the edit link there will be an edit (New tab) link. Next to the view link there will be a view (new tab) link.

This plugin is really small and it´s functions are executed only, if you are on the WordPress post or page edit page. So it doesn´t even reduce the performance of your site.


  • Links added


Just activate the plugin. The action links will be added automatically. There is no settings or help page of this plugin.


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Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“New Tab Actions by wasiwarez” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


“New Tab Actions by wasiwarez” is vertaald in 1 taal. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.

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Interesse in de ontwikkeling?

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1.0 Publication

1.0.1 Translation update

1.0.2 Fixing WordPress SVN update problems

1.0.3 Fixing more WordPress SVN update problems

1.0.4 Forgot to change version in plugin file

1.0.5 Updated readme.txt

1.0.7 Check with WP 5.3.3

1.0.8 BugFix
Got notice if view or edit row action didn´t exist in custom posttype.

1.0.10 Tested with WP 5.8.3

1.0.11 Tested with WP 5.9.0

1.0.12 Tested with WP 6.0.0

1.0.13 Tested with WP 6.2.0

1.0.14 Tested with WP 6.3.1

Tested with WordPress 6.4.1

Tested with WordPress 6.5

Reduced tags in readme.txt