

Deze plugin is gesloten sinds 30 oktober 2024 en is niet beschikbaar om te downloaden. Reden: Overtreding richtlijnen.


7 februari 2023
I was afraid this plugin wouldn’t catch email links in the WordPress buttons block, but it does (turns out the buttons actually are “a” links)! Works out-of-the-box: just activate the plugin and your e-mail addresses should be correctly obfuscated from the malfeasant robots!
14 maart 2020
Nice little plugin. I didn’t want to use a heavy plugin for a simple contact form, so I choose to simply add my email adress with a link. This little plugin help me to hide it easily. Thanks.
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Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“Email Protect” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


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