Deze plugin is niet getest met de laatste drie grote versies van WordPress. Mogelijk wordt het niet meer onderhouden of ondersteund. Er kunnen ook compatibiliteitsproblemen ontstaan wanneer het wordt gebruikt met recentere versies van WordPress.

Leafly Reviews for WordPress



Leafly removed their public API so this plugin does not currently work. If/when they decide to get their act together and get the API back in action, I’ll update this plugin.

Until then, make sure you check out WP Dispensary, the complete marijuana menu solution for WordPress.

Original Details

Easily display your dispensary reviews from Leafly on your own site with a widget or shortcode.

This plugin utilizes the Leafly API to pull your dispensaries reviews from the Leafly website and saves them in a cache file to display on your own website through the use of a shortcode, which is placed on a page or post, or a widget which is placed in your sidebar.

You can get your own Leafly API app ID and KEY from the Leafly Developer website.

Widget Option

You can drag and drop the Leafly Reviews widget to any widgetized area on your website, through the Appearance > Widgets section of the admin dashboard. There are options you can fill out to choose what is actually displayed in the widget.

Shortcode Option

Here is the basic shortcode:

[leaflyreviews slug="denver-relief"]

You will need to add in your slug, just like the widget options. The shortcode will default to showing 5 reviews, and all of the options given in the widget (avatar, star rating, detailed rating, recommendation, shop again and comments.

If you’d like to remove some of these options from showing, you can add the option to the shortcode with the value of no, like this:

[leaflyreviews slug="denver-relief" limit="5" avatar="no" stars="no" ratings="no" recommend="no" shopagain="no" comments="no"]


  • The widget options that you can use to customize the way your reviews display on your website
  • Sample layout of how the Leafly reviews will show (all options are showing in this demo)


  1. Upload the leafly-reviews folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or add it directly through your WordPress admin dashboard
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Settings > Leafly Reviews and add in your Leafly API ID and KEY (required in order for the plugin to work)
  4. Add the Leafly Reviews widget through the Appearance > Widgets area of your dashboard, or use the shortcode to display your reviews on any page or post


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“Leafly Reviews for WordPress” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


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  • Added option to show a link to view all reviews in your Leafly profile