Deze plugin is niet getest met de laatste drie grote versies van WordPress. Mogelijk wordt het niet meer onderhouden of ondersteund. Er kunnen ook compatibiliteitsproblemen ontstaan wanneer het wordt gebruikt met recentere versies van WordPress.
If you use many different plugins to add social media share buttons to your website, most likely each plugin has its own images and your website looks inconsistent. Frizzly is here to fix that. Frizzly allows you to share your posts on multiple social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin and more. You can easily choose on which pages the share buttons should show up and where they should be placed.
add share icons before and after the content of your posts
add share icons over images (especially useful for websites that use images extensively)
choose only share buttons that you need
don’t show share buttons on certain pages (e.g. your home page)
Share buttons on hover.
Share buttons after post.
Settings screen
Where do I report bugs, improvements and suggestions?
THe prior version worked with DIVI latest version and latest version WP, unfortunately frizzly 1.01 does not. Neither version would show on DIVI lightbox, but im cool with that and hope one day it will. Some work could be done for touch screen, say on 980px and under a way to either disable, use hover, or static with 50% transparency since hover is great for mice 🙂
filetype exclusions would also be a great method of filtration as well, some people are inexperienced in theme modifications so getting classes to output in a lot of modern themes can prove challenging. Having another variable to work with could be advantageous such as ignore PNG.
A third suggestion would also be having the option of what is shared as well, either direct image URL, link to post or img anchor, media page, or even page shared from, great for pushing your blogroll page out.
I hope to see further advancement in this plugin as its fantastically simple.
Was using this plugin on TONS of websites. Don’t update it. It will break whatever you customized! Also, it’s not working on image hover. Fix this plugin ASAP!
It does what it has to do.
Attention! for lightbox gallery users, or other js gallery users, please note that you have to inspect the image (using browser inspector) and add the image class into the plugin settings. Also you should be aware, that there could be other containers over the image and you can’t hover on the image, only if you hide those from css.
Decent plugin. Adds a nice and neat Pinterest button to the corner of certain images (size defined). Would be awesome if a Yummly icon was incorporated for the food bloggers out there.
Not working. It’s better the other plugin by the same author. Jquery Pin it button works flawlessly with my theme. Frizzly unfortunately does not work as well.
Thanks to a bug in Frizzly, I got the clue I needed to figure out how to set the Twitter message beforehand, and with some additional searching, I figured out how to get Frizzly to post the image it is associated with to Twitter. Earlier today, I noticed that my excerpts didn’t look right, and I traced the problem to Frizzly. I had checked “Download image description and caption from Media Library” and it was rewriting my excerpts by replacing my IMG attributes with Frizzly IMG attributes. So I unchecked this, and I did some testing of the code Frizzly added to my excerpts. Before the IMG tag, it put an INPUT tag with some more attributes, and the data-frizzlyPostTitle attribute turned out to be the one that would replace the post title in the Twitter message it composes. But I still needed a place to store the information I wanted to assign to that attribute. I finally figured out how to get data from the WordPress metadata for an image. I then uploaded an image to Twitter, got its short URL from Twitter by pretending to retweet from my other account, put that into the image’s caption field with a short message, and tweeted it. Thanks to some PHP code I wrote for retrieving the image caption and writing it to the data-frizzlyPostTitle attribute, I was able to tweet the image associated with the Twitter button, and it shows up on Twitter without any need to click on it to view it.
This was my biggest issue with this plugin. My other issue is that Facebook will work with only one image, the one defined in the meta data as og:image, assuming it is at least 200×200 pixils in size, but Pinterest and Twitter can work with any number of separate images on a page. So, there needs to be a way to specify on a per image basis which buttons to hover over an image. I propose being able to define a separate image selector for each button. Until this is fixed, I’m keeping the author’s previous plugin, jQuery Pin It Button For Images Options, around in case I want to add Pinterest support for additional images.
Also, I am using Frizzly only in hover mode. The shortcodes have not proven useful to me. They display poorly. I’m not sure what the Lightbox module is for. It is not well-documented and doesn’t seem to do anything.