Deze plugin is niet getest met de laatste drie grote versies van WordPress. Mogelijk wordt het niet meer onderhouden of ondersteund. Er kunnen ook compatibiliteitsproblemen ontstaan wanneer het wordt gebruikt met recentere versies van WordPress.

Custom Post Slider


Custom Post Slider Plugin Display Post with Owl Slider order by date, title, random… Developer can override HTML or create new layout in their theme.(Theme name/custom-post-slider/any layout.php).


  • Display Slider your post on sidebar or content with shortcode.
  • Order post by Date, Title, ID, Author, Comment, Random.
  • Can override HTML layout.
  • Can create new layout on your theme.


1. Automatic installation:

The simplest way to install is to click on ‘Plugins’ then ‘Add new’ and type ‘Custom Post Slider’ in the search field.

2. Manual installation 1:

  1. Login to your website and go to the Plugins.
  2. Click the Add New button.
  3. Under Install Plugins, click the Upload Plugin.
  4. Select the plugin zip file ( from your computer then click the Install Now button.
  5. You should see a message stating that the plugin was installed successfully.
  6. Click the Activate Plugin.

2. Manual installation 2:

  1. You should have access to the server where WordPress is installed.
  2. Upload the plugin zip file ( up to your server path(/wp-content/plugins/) and unzip it here.
  3. Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel.
  4. Look for “Post Display” and click Activate.


3 september 2016
Thanks for the great plugin! It displays custom type posts and well customizable. Perfectly meets my needs.
Lees 1 beoordeling

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“Custom Post Slider” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


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