Deze plugin is niet getest met de laatste drie grote versies van WordPress. Mogelijk wordt het niet meer onderhouden of ondersteund. Er kunnen ook compatibiliteitsproblemen ontstaan wanneer het wordt gebruikt met recentere versies van WordPress.

Contact Form 7 IE DatePicker and Number Spinner Fix


You are using the Contact Forms 7 Plugin and are angy about the none HTML 5 Support?
No Problem. With this Plugin u will have the normal Datepicker & Number Spinner from jQuery in your Internet Explorers and other none HTML5 browsers.

If you have Questions or Feature Request, feel free and contact me.


  1. Upload to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Extract cf7-datepicker-ie-fixer
  3. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress
  4. Preview Form
  5. Edit your css file and overwrite Plugin settings
  6. you have to use “ in your Theme so this Plugins works



Installation Instructions
  1. Upload to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Extract cf7-datepicker-ie-fixer
  3. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress
  4. Preview Form
  5. Edit your css file and overwrite Plugin settings
  6. you have to use “ in your Theme so this Plugins works


20 juni 2017
Thank you very much for this great plugin. Now date picker works in safari and firefox. How can we buy you a coffee? 🙂
14 maart 2017
Still works on actual WP 4.7.3. but the need to hack the date format in plugin it self makes it bit awkward.
3 september 2016
Needed to fix the IE Contact Form 7 date picker bug… do a quick google search, find this plugin, install, refresh, YAY! Thanks buddy for making our lives easier!
3 september 2016
Works great but I wish it would let me reformat the date that it displays after being picked. For example: for Oct. 1, 2015, it displays 2015-10-01. I would prefer 10/1/15 or 10/1/2015.
Lees alle 21 beoordelingen

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“Contact Form 7 IE DatePicker and Number Spinner Fix” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.



Feature 2.6

  • using min & max for datepicker
  • using min & max for numberpicker

Feature 2.5:

  • added range for month and year

Bugs 2.4:

  • remove window.log
  • set dateFormat

Bugs 2.3:

  • added check for html5 support
  • check if it is new IE

Feature 2.2:

  • Added the Spinner function for Contact Form 7 number Fields

Fix 2.1:

  • added jquery spinner js files

Fix 2.0:

  • Fix the Selector, only Contact Form 7 Forms with class \”wpcf7-date\” will be transformed