bbP Signature


This plugin adds user signature support to bbPress 2.0 and above. Currently support have been added for BuddyPress installations as well which have site wide forums enabled.

Currently, users are supported with:

  1. Maximum length of 500 charactors in the user edit page for the signature.
  2. User signature for topics and replies.

If you’d like to add bbcodes support to the user signature, you might want to install bbPress2 BBCode plugin. Output from bbcode plugin is in screenshot 3.
Note: Requires the bbPress plugin to be installed.


You may donate by going here.


  • Options page


  • Signature Editing on user edit page
  • Result of bbP Signature
  • Result of bbcode usage


  1. Place ‘bbp-signature’ folder in your plugins directory.
  2. Activate bbP Signature.

If you are trying to activate user signature on top of BuddyPress installation,

  1. Enable site wide forums.
  2. Add a profile field with name “Signature”. (Profile field name should be correct for the functioning of the plugin).



What is required to run this?

You should be running WordPress 3.1+ and bbPress 2.0 +.


14 februari 2022
Doesn’t work and Author will not respond, but he wants you to give him money (donate).
22 augustus 2020
Maybe past versions were problematic but this current one works just fine for me. Very happy with it’s easy use and implementation. Great job, Robin.
Lees alle 6 beoordelingen

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“bbP Signature” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


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Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.


1.3 (08-02-2021)

  • removed revision filter as was causing double display of revisions

1.1 (29-08-2012)

  • Added BuddyPress support.

1.0 (20-10-2011)

  • Bug fixes and supports latest version of bbPress and WordPress

0.1 beta (18-04-2011)

  • Initial Release