Deze plugin is niet getest met de laatste drie grote versies van WordPress. Mogelijk wordt het niet meer onderhouden of ondersteund. Er kunnen ook compatibiliteitsproblemen ontstaan wanneer het wordt gebruikt met recentere versies van WordPress.

Import User Meta Data from CSV


WordPress admins can bulk import user metadata from a text file – selecting the Key and optionally avoiding duplicate keys.

This plugin uses up-to-date WordPress top level functions, sanitizes all input data and is fully internationalized.

For feature request and bug reports, please use the Q Studio Support Website.

Please do not use the forum to report bugs, as we no longer monitor or respond to questions there.


  • Bulk import users from a simple text list
  • Select if duplicate meta_keys should be added
  • Checks for missing users
  • Sample import data and easy to use
  • Fully internationalized
  • Safe and WordPress Friendly
  • Nerdy debug screens!


  • Add Metadata screen


For an automatic installation through WordPress:

  1. Go to the ‘Add New’ plugins screen in your WordPress admin area
  2. Search for ‘Add User Metadata’
  3. Click ‘Install Now’ and activate the plugin
  4. Go the ‘Users’ menu, under ‘Add User Metadata’

For a manual installation via FTP:

  1. Upload the export-user-data directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in your WordPress admin area
  3. Go the ‘Users’ menu, under ‘Add User Metadata’

To upload the plugin through WordPress, instead of FTP:

  1. Upload the downloaded zip file on the ‘Add New’ plugins screen (see the ‘Upload’ tab) in your WordPress admin area and activate.
  2. Go the ‘Users’ menu, under ‘Add User Metadata’


How to use?

Click on the ‘Add User Metadata’ link in the ‘Users’ menu, enter the meta_key and paste in your CSV data, select the import options then click ‘Add Metadata’. That’s all!


30 maart 2023
This plugin executed perfectly. Up to date php, woo and wordpress version as of 3/29/2023. I needed to add a meta_key to postmeta and update values. It detected all the users who already had the key and just updated the value. for those with out, it created the key and updated the value. The feedback on execution was perfect. Great job and many thanks. It saved me from having to develop the SQL commands which can be tricky.
3 oktober 2016 1 reactie
We needed to bulk edit user meta. Sorted and exported user ids from mysql, made a CSV with data, and this plugin did the heavy lifting. Great work!
Lees alle 3 beoordelingen

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“Import User Meta Data from CSV” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


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  • ReadMe Fix


  • github action test


  • github action deployment test


  • Fix to WP Thickbox asset
  • WP 5.5.0 testing


  • WP 4.4.1 testing


  • WP 4.0 testing


  • moved plugin instatiation to WP init hook
  • Name change
  • 3.8.1 testing


  • Contributor Edit.


  • First public release.